a)   Ministry of Textile Government of India set up the Centre to 8 (eight) States of North East Region NER under the North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS)

b)    Each Centre consisting of 3 units of 100 machines with 100% Govt. of India funding and the facilities shall be made available to entrepreneurs having background in textile/fashion for starting their start up unit with “Plug and Play mode”.

c)    The State Government i/c Industries Department allotted 20,000 Sqm. for this unit at I.G.C. Luangmual, Aizawl.

d)  Building of three units was constructed by NBCC with an estimated amount of Rs. 813.00 lakhs and Plant and Machineries also supplied and erected by NBCC with a capital cost of Rs. 612.55 lakhs. (Total amount is Rs. 1425.55 lakhs) The Ministry of Textiles has reserved Rs. 392.00 lakhs for Skill development and Training.

e) The State Government appointed ZIDCO as project Implementing Agency for the operation of one Skill development and two Productions of the units at the centre.

f)    The unit was inaugurated by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Textiles on 4.6.2016.

g)   For construction of Approach road and internal road of I.G.C., N.E.C. vide order even no. dt. 29.9.2016 approved and estimated cost of Rs. 923.00 lakhs and it is executed by UD & PA Deptt., Govt. of Mizoram.

h)    For electrification and water supply for the unit the project by N.E.C. with a estimated cost of Rs. 43.67 lakhs and Rs. 35.00 lakhs was released to the concerned Department as deposit works and Departments also completed all the required items of work.

i)       Operating Agencies have been selected namely:-

Unit I         :  Vakiria

Unit II        :  Computerized Embroidery

Unit III       :  Vocational School of Education.

Commercial operation has already been started with an employment generation of about 150 persons.

   Shri. Santosh Kumar Gangwar unveiling the plaque to lay the foundation stone for Apparel and Garment Manufacturing Centre at Industrical Growth Centre (I.G.C), Luangmual, Aizawl, Mizoram accompany by the minister of Industries, Mizoram Shri H. Rohluna and the Secretary.