In pursuance of the MEDMOC’S decision during the meeting held on 25.4.2017. we have submitted Action Plan for the following schemes on 2.5.2017:-
a) Conducting ESDP on Construction Supervisor Course.
b) Setting up of Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre (EKC) at ZIDCO Building.
c) Organizing MEDMOC Mizoram Outstanding Entrepreneurs’ Award 2017.
Accordingly, Principal Adviser Planning and Programme Complementation Department, Government of Mizoram released fund for implementation of the above proposals as under vide No. G. 28011/11/2017/PLG (RDB) / EDS- Dt 25.5.2017.
a) Conducting ESDP on Construction Supervisor Course. - Rs 5.50 lakhs
b) Setting up of Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre (EKC) - Rs 12.00 lakhs
c) MEDMOC Mizoram Outstanding Entrepreneurs’ Award 2017.- Rs 6.00 lakhs
a) Conducting ESDP on Construction Supervisor Course : ZIDCO has conducted ESDP on Construction Supervisor Course during September 2017 and 18(Eighteen) Entrepreneurs have completed the course under the guidance of Course Director, Co-ordinator and Qualified trainers from various schemes successfully.
b) Setting up of Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre (EKC) at ZIDCO Building : ZIDCO has taken severe action to implement its proposal and as such, the Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre (EKC) has been established and inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister of Commerce & Industries, Government of Mizoram on 4.9,2017 at the 3rd Basement of ZIDCO Building. The Centre will provide Guidelines and Industrial Data to new Entrepreneur.
c) Organizing MEDMOC Mizoram Outstanding Entrepreneurs’ Award 2017 : The winners of Award (Awardees) has already been selected by a committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Planning & Implementation Department for the following categories :-
a) Entrepreneur of the year 2017-Manufacturing Sector (Man and Woman)
b) Entrepreneur of the year 2017 - Service Sector (Man and Woman)
c) Entrepreneur of the year 2017- Innovation Sector
d) Entrepreneur of the year 2017-Social Entrepreneurship Sector
e) Entrepreneur of the year 2017- Franchise Sector.
Each an every sectors shall carry a cash prize of 40,000/- and certificates with mementoes. Time framed for facilitation of Awards with a Chief Guest of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Mizoram is finalized on 15.11.2012 and preparation of ceremony has been completed.
Apart from the above, proposal for Action Plan of the following courses have been submitted to the MEDMOC to be implemented during financial year 2017-2018 at the Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre (E.K.C.), ZIDCO.
Training Component:
a) ESDP on Construction Supervisor Course
b) ESDP on Electrical House-wiring
c) ESDP on Embroidery Course
d) ESDP on Digital Photography
e) ESDP on Business Accountancy
f) ESDP on Event-Managements
g) ESDP on e-commerce and internet marketing
h) Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme for Government officers
Other Component:
a) Conducting Industrial Survey in Mizoram
b) Conducting Skill-Gap Survey in Mizoram
c) Translation and Publication on entrepreneurship development